Dundas Flowers
Same Day Deliveries


Dundas Flowers is staffed by courteous knowledgeable designers offering over 30 years of design experience. Dundas Flowers offers same day delivery and is open 7 days a week including Sundays and holidays. The order desk is open 24 hrs a day and offers local and worldwide delivery.

Ask about our funeral arrangements which are extremely creative!

Call 1-800-461-9735 or visit our website at www.dundasflowers.com or fax us your needs - anytime

* Large Selection of Fresh Flowers
* Custom Fruit & Gourmet Gift Baskets
* Student & Seniors Discounts
* Funeral Arrangements from $25

Dundas Flowers
459 Dundas
London ON N6B 1W1
519-432-9124 Fax

open 7 days a week